About iSocket® project and the history of the Brand

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android

iSocket is a project of iSocket Systems Ltd. iSocket means intelligent socket. iSocket® is a registered trademark or trademark in many countries. This Brand has been registered in different countries, include USA, Canada, Australia, Norway, Russia, countries of the European Union, etc.

Product under this Brand has been developed since 2010. The first products for smart remote monitoring and alarms were implemented in the form of sockets. In some countries words outlet, power point or plug is used to describe what in Finnish language translated to English becomes “socket”. That's why a Brand with the meaning "intelligent sockets" has been chosen for these products and it became iSocket. Later the list of products has been broadened to other devices for Smart Home and M2M, but the company has continued to use the brand iSocket for all these products.

Some products of joint development (e.g. sensors) were later also labelled as the iSocket Brand.

Manufactured in Finland

We own the technology - from hardware to software. We have the tools, and we do not re-brand other manufacturers' products. iSocket Smart Sockets and iSocket Smart Home family products are designed in Finland. Final assembly, checking and quality control are also performed in Finland. For sensors labelled with iSocket Brand we apply strict quality requirements to subcontractors.

We are proud to offer simple, reliable, beautiful and thoughtful things for Smart Homes from a true European manufacturer at a competitive price.

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android

Our beginnings

iSocket has been delivered to many homes around the world and continues to switch, report temperature, inform about power failures, notify about water leaks, fire, break-ins and sends other alarms in countless homes around the globe. We are proud to be a part of our customers’ Smart Homes and make their life easier and more comfortable. Here’s how it happened.

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android

February 2010.

We kick off with the design.

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android


Next we check how well the hardware fits into the casing.

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android


The first prototype is made in a silicone mould. Once we’re famous, we’ll probably auction it off for millions. ;)

iSocket Smart Plug SMS Manager Android

iSocket now

We offer iSocket with plugs suitable for many countries of the world.

We aim to make thoughtful things, to make people’s lives more comfortable, safer and easier. We have many unique ideas. If you are an investor and wish to join us to be in step with modern technologies, you are welcome.